Browse The Top History Memes

Results: 97


History Memes History, Trump, Epstein, Clinton, Gates, Bill Clinton text:  History, Trump, Epstein, Clinton, Gates, Bill Clinton


History Memes History, Hitler, Vienna, Neuschwanstein, Germany, German text: 1600  History, Hitler, Vienna, Neuschwanstein, Germany, German


History Memes History, Walmart, Far, Congress text: S4.50 S5.97  History, Walmart, Far, Congress


History Memes History, Level, Net Neutrality, Ajit Pai, VPN, USB text:  History, Level, Net Neutrality, Ajit Pai, VPN, USB


History Memes History, McDonald, American, Americans, Quarter Pounder, McDonalds text: 1/3 pound beef burgers 1/4 pound beef burger  History, McDonald, American, Americans, Quarter Pounder, McDonalds


History Memes History, Aliens, History Channel, European, Egypt, Ancient Aliens text: Ancient Civilization anythijng«above caveman level DumbsfüCks Is this aliens ?  History, Aliens, History Channel, European, Egypt, Ancient Aliens


History Memes History, Bible, Latin, Catholic Church, Catholics, Luther text: The bible is kept in Latin to keep you away from understanding it yourself If those Catholics ould read they


History Memes History, Vietnamese, French, China, America, France text: 1954 we were just tired from WW2 1975 we just left, we didn


History Memes History, King, VhrQb0, TIj, PHWg8, CgpUQ text:  History, King, VhrQb0, TIj, PHWg8, CgpUQ